Atami Bi-Grow Mix


  • Pre-fertilized: ( NPK 12-14-24, 700 grams per cubic meter ) EC < 1750 µS/cm
  • Open structure
  • No need to add any nutrients during the first weeks
  • Good Foundation for Successful Growing
  • Slowly Releases Nutrients
  • High Quality Peat & Coco Fibres
  • Does Not Retract & Absorbs Water Easily

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Atami Bi-Grow Mix is a high quality substrate. Its composition is well balanced for optimum development of a wide variety of plants. Bi-Growmix is a mix of many types of high quality peat and coco fibres.


An important feature of Atami Bi-Grow Mix is its air/water ratio. The gaps present in Bi-Grow Mix may be filled with water and air. Thanks to the coco fibres, gaps filled with air take in a higher volume, which means more oxygen benefits for the plant. Bi-Grow Mix does not retract and easily absorbs water. Nutrients are gradually released and are thus constantly available for the plant. The presence of coco fibres facilitates root development.

As far as the amount and ratio of the fertilizers is concerned, this substrate can be considered as medium.

Because the Bi-Growmix is pre-fertilized you don’t need to add any nutrients during the first weeks of the cultivation, depending on how many plants and pot size. After this starting period it is advised to add liquid fertilizer to the nutrient water for optimal results.

Bi-Grow Mix contains coco and peat. The coco ensures an open structure so the roots can grow optimally which is especially important for the uptake of nutrients for a stronger and more resilient plant.

  • Pre-fertilized: ( NPK 12-14-24, 700 grams per cubic meter ) EC < 1750 µS/cm
  • Open structure
  • No need to add any nutrients during the first weeks
  • Good Foundation for Successful Growing
  • Slowly Releases Nutrients
  • High Quality Peat & Coco Fibres
  • Does Not Retract & Absorbs Water Easily

Weight 16 kg
Dimensions 65 × 45 × 11 cm


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