Dolomitic Lime


  • Raises and Balances The pH.
  • Source of Magnesium and Calcium
  • Improves the uptake of major nutrients for plants growing in acidic soils.
SKU: 10324 Category:

Dolomitic Lime is used for raising and balancing the pH of your soil, both calcitic and dolomite lime are effective.

However, unlike calcitic lime, dolomite lime also contains large amounts of magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral for healthy soil.

Bag Size: 1L

  • Raises and Balances The pH.
  • Source of Magnesium and Calcium
  • Improves the uptake of major nutrients for plants growing in acidic soils.
Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions 12 × 12 × 14 cm


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    Dolomitic Lime
    Price: R40.00
    Qty: 2