Seed Planting Guides

Seed Variety Pack Planting Guides

So, you have finally chosen the right seed variety pack with which you wish to start your vegetable patch. Heck, you could of bought all of them!

Now the time has come to start planting your seeds and you are stumped, not knowing where to begin. Don’t panic, your trusty friends at Power Greens are here to help you with a planting guide for every seed variety pack.

 As many of you know, seeds are a lot like people, meaning they are all different and require individual cultivation methods.

Upon purchasing your Seed Variety Pack, you would have noticed that the planting guide was included in the box, but now you have misplaced it! We at Power Greens know things have the tendency to grow legs and walk out the door.

It is for this reason we have added a downloadable document for each of our Seed Variety Packs below.

Simply click on the “Download Planting Guide” button to view and download your preferred guide.

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